Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

Dr. Cauley

Today Mommy took me to my 9 month check-up! I am now 16.4 lbs. and a little over 26 inches long. Dr. Cauley said I am a healthy little girl. Very smart and strong! :) As soon as we got into the waiting all came back to me.. This is where I get my shots!!! I cried for all the nurses and my doctor! I trust no one! I only had to get one shot so it wasn't too bad. They gave me a new book at the end of my appointment! :) Here is a picture of me waiting to see the doctor.

I really really want to play with all those doctor toys up there!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

9 Months Old

 Zachary and I like front row seating when we watch movies together! We are watching Alice In Wonderland :)

Now that I'm 9 months old...I have taken up a new hobby! Ballet! Aren't my leg warmers the cutest??! Here is a picture of me warming up with some bar exercises.  :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Stella & June

My new neighbor June came over to play with me tonight. We got along okay..... I don't like sharing my toys with her....and she kept crying when I would give her pigtails a tug! June is moving in right below us next month so we will be good friends next semester. We have another play date tomorrow at the playground! :) Maybe after we both get a good nights rest things will go a little better!

June fed me puffs and gave me sips from her sippy cup.. she's so sweet

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hot Days!

I plan on swimming lots this summer! Getting ready for California!!!! 12 more days :)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Petting Zoo

Daddy's school put on a Spring Fling Carnival today at Regent. They had bounce houses, cupcake competitions, a petting zoo, talent show, and bbq! I really loved the petting zoo..I screamed with delight the entire time! :) Here are some pictures of my new furry friends...

Little piglet and bunny snuggling :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

 Easter walk with Mommy...

 Dressed in our Sunday best!

 Happy Easter family and friends!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Mimi & Papa

My Mimi & Papa came to visit me in Virginia Beach this week! :) 
 Playing with Papa!

 I took Mimi and Papa to my favorite restaurant....Cracker Barrel!!! Hey Mimi...will you buy this for me?? :)
Here is a picture of me and my Papa out to dinner at Gordon Biersch! 

We ate breakfast at Doc Taylors then I took them to see the ocean! Brrr ..I'm about to blow away!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Play Date

Today my friend Zachary came over to play! Mommy took us out to the playground! I'm still too little to go down the slide by myself so Zach went with me! :)