Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 24, 2012

16 Months Old

Yesterday I went to my friend Violet's 2nd birthday party! It was a GIRLS party so we did lots of girly things like play kitchen and babies! We ate cake pops too... my new favorite.. YUM!
 Eating cake pops with my girlfriends Sophie, Makayla, Violet, and June!

 Opening presents! Violet got a new blender for her kitchen set! It was a big hit at the party!

 Next we went to the McDonald's Holiday Lights at the Beach! The whole boardwalk is lit up with Christmas lights and you drive through and listen to Christmas music! I had so much fun looking at lights and being out of my carseat! Daddy even let me drive for a bit!!!

3 more weeks til I'm in California for Christmas!!! Can't wait to see you all!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ooh La La

 I love wearing Mommy's shoes, jewelry, headbands, and BRAS! I threw a big crying fit until she put it on me! I wore it around the house proud as punch!

 My "McKee" Irish dress from Aunt Allison.. I look like I'm going off to boarding preschool not Sunday school!

Daddy was so busy writing his paper tonight that he didn't have any time to play with me. I decided to bring him all my socks from my bedroom to get his attention!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bath Time Friends

 Just checking the temperature!

 Can we get in now??

 Clean friends are happy friends!

Had a fun time with Elyse tonight! Bath time is definitely more fun with a friend! 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Will You Accept This Rose?

My Daddy's friend Barrett is trying to get on The Bachelorette! They are flying him out to California for a final interview in January! Today we had to take 5 close up and 5 full body shots to send to the producers. I thought I might hop into a couple pictures to better his chances! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Little Republican

 Little Republican in the making!

 Puppy? Check!
 Bottle?  Check!
 Dolly?  Check!
Baby it's cold outside!!! The high was 48 degrees here in Virginia, but I still insisted on going outside to swing! AND YES MIMI....I am wearing my undershirt and warm jacket!

Best Buds! Elyse was catching a ride on my choo choo train! We have a lot of fun playing together. I show Elyse all my toys, books, how to start the dishwasher, and all the good cabinets in the kitchen! She pretty much just follows me around everywhere.. good thing I like attention! Elyse turns 1 next week and I am invited to her birthday party for cupcakes! :)

Friday, November 2, 2012


I had so much fun on Halloween! First, Mommy and Mimi took me to Hunts Club Farm for petting zoo, pony ride, and pumpkin pickin'!
 Meet my pony...Cinderella!

 Me and Mommy petting goats! Do you like my pumpkin outfit? My Great Aunt Linda gave it to me!

 I picked out the best pumpkin!

Next Mommy and Mimi took me trick-or-treating at Azalea Gardens church! They had hay rides, cake walks, food, and lots of candy!

 Posing for pictures with my friends June & Annabelle!

 Minnie Mouse

Trick-or-treating with Mimi!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Aunt Allison

Me and Aunt Allison snuggling on the couch when I got home from the hospital
Aunt Allison came to visit me in Virginia Beach as soon as I got back... she missed me too much!
 Swinging at Central Park in New York City! Weeeee!!! (St. Patrick's Day)
Me and Aunt Allison both LOVE icecream... especially Superior Dairy!
Face Time with Aunt Allison on her birthday today! Doesn't she look beautiful today?

Happy Birthday Aunt Allison, I love you!!!!!!!!!!