Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sick Baby

I was a sick little girl this past week.... Mommy and Daddy got extra snuggle time with me because I was feeling pretty lousy.. 

I refused to take any tylenol, food, or water.... Popcicles were the only exception!

Before I got sick, I spent the day with my friend Maddy.. this is her dog Merlin. He is my bud!

Lots of hugs and kisses for Merlin...I can't wait to have a doggy of my own!

Me and Maddy playing with our babies....we are going to be really good Momma's one day!

Today I had my 15 month check-up with Dr. Cauley. I am now 21.15lbs and 30 inches long. My height and weight are in the 50% head is in the 75%! I get that from my Daddy!! I had to get 3 shots today....ouch! From the moment I walked into the room I remembered where I was and what goes on here... I decided to sit on the step stool and not the patient bench...they can't give me shots down here!

Elyse came over to play tonight. We danced, shared baby food, got all the bowls out of the cabinets, and took a bubble bath!

Dance Party

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