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Friday, February 1, 2013

18 Month Check-up

Today I had my 18 month check-up with Dr. Cauley. It was my best visit yet because I didn't have to get any shots!!!! I am average in my height and above average in weight and head size. All the reading and string cheese is catching up to me! Dr. Cauley said I am a healthy little girl and that Mommy and Daddy are doing everything just right. After my appointment I got a new book and a toy elephant from the toy chest.

Mommy forgot to take her camera to the Dr. office so no new pictures today... Here are some videos from my week......

Dad and I doing some abs... he only did 5 but I was ready to do 10!

In other news..I've already been invited to 3 different birthday parties! My friends June, Annabelle, and Bradley are all turning 2 this month. February is going to be a busy month for me.

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