Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 1, 2013


The Easter bunny came!!!!! He left eggs all around our living room and gave me an Easter basket full of side walk chalk, pajamas, and an Easter book! Aftter egg hunting we all got ready for church. I was still NOT happy about my Easter dress. I had to pout and whine for a good 30 minutes before I got over it. Once we were at church I was a happy girl. Mommy and Daddy didn't make me go to the nursery so I was able to stay with them and listen to all the music! Hope all my family and friends had a nice Easter Sunday! Can you believe I only have 1 more month as a Virginia girl? 

 NOT a happy girl.... Can't believe I have to wear this dumb dress..

Easter egg hunting!

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