Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 4, 2013


 Finally at the beach! I'm pretty excited to be out of the car and have my toesies in the sand!

 Swinging with Daddy in Cayucos, CA!

 Me and my Opa relaxing on the pier! Life is tough!

 Walking my luggage to our room! I'm Miss Independent!

 At the Tide Pools with Uncle Michael and Tia Tiff (Cambria, CA) ...Everyone say "Squirrel food!"

 Me and Nana feeding the squirrels peanuts. I was pretty proud of myself for feeding them all by myself! These squirrels weren't shy at all.. they would run right up to you! They are my new favorite animal!

Pony ride at Avila Barn! My pony is named Patches and she was so much fun to ride. I had the biggest smile on my face! Giddy up Patches!

On the way home we stopped by my cousin Addyson's house to play! We always have so much fun together! :)

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